Examples of programming with Leaflet, Javascript, Html, etc…

For a World Population Choropleth Map made with Leaflet click here

Tools used: QGIS, Leaflet, Javascript

For an online app that converts JSON data to a map click here.

Tools used: Bootstrap, HTML, Javascript, JSON

Using Python for Custom Labelling in ArcGIS Pro

Moving beyond the default labelling system in ArcGIS Pro I wrote a simple Python script that makes some labels stand out from others based on specific attributes. In this case, I made any submerged shipwrecks that posed a danger to navigation stand out in red. Any values in the attribute table that were blank were to be changed to '“unknown”.

Using Python in ArcGIS Field Calculator

In this assignment we were asked to use the Calculate Field and a Python expression to calculate a new value for DateAndRange that was a combination of two attribute fields. The first part would contain the date from the FGDLAQDATE date field which was to be reformatted to month, day, year format, followed by a “:”. Then we needed to add the value of the difference between the two numbers in the population range field (POP_RANGE). For Example: POP_RANGE = 249,999 - 100,000. FGDLAQDATE = 2007-06-13 (this will be read in as a Python date object) should result in the new field “DateAndRange = June 13, 2007: 149999”